Saturday, 30 July 2016

New #vlog of this week! Sharing an amazing lesson I learned from myself and cleared the shitty sorrows of my life - #UnAppreciation is actually the #Appreciation! 󾌰󾌵󾌸 #dsc :) #selftime #selflove #selfappreciation #life #selfconfidence #myphilosophy

Friday, 20 May 2016

Again and again......(selfcomposed poem)

Again and again you cheat me...
Again and again you make me cry...
Again and again you make me feel worthless...
Again and again, why you make me fall in and cheat my emotions...
Again and again, you break me into pieces...
Again and again, you take me to the horrified nostalgia...
Again and again, you make me scream in the crowded hall...
Again and again, you make me emotional fool and let me kiss your fake heart...
Again and again, you make me feel the pain in my heart which makes me crazy to think what sin I did...
Again and again, you kill my soul and make me beg in front of you for my happiness...
Again and again, you test my honesty but never give justice to my feelings...
Again and again, you make me feel the ugliest woman in the entire universe...
Again and again, you create a void in my heart and ask to work hard making me tough to breathe...
Again and again, besides I don't like to complain.. you make me complain you God about what you always do to me...
Again and again, I try my hard to get over things and move on but put me in traps...
Again and again, you make my soul cry and feel the loneliest in the universe...
Again and again, you suck my happiness and make me regret why I even smile...
Again and again, you give complexes and make me culprit of my own destruction...
Again and again, what you want me God... they always play with my emotions and rape my heart brutally...
Again and again, you stay still and never listen my prayers for my love....
Again and again, you never understand my pure love and makes me feel that my love is the most stinking one in the world....
Again and again, I suffer the same... make me feel to end my life....
Again and again, again and again, again and again.....
Trust me my Lord... this heart will shine no more....
#Dsc (to my Lord for the things he do again and again to me)... #poem #selfcomposed

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Yes Masturdating is amazing!

This Morning -

I got up -- Switched On my phone - A msg on messenger from a friend ---- " Ready for Masturdating? " ---- I rubbed my eyes and read it again.. then I was like -- Oh yes always up for it!

Second time have been quoted for #Masturdating aka #SelfDating in print media.

So, the thing is I am a person who don't want bf or friends to whom I can ping all the day or ask to stay with me.. I like freedom and love spend more time with myself. It is really difficult for me to be in relationship or be a gf of someone -- nothing intentionally but I don't know how to get obsessed with others and follow them all the day.. NO ... they have their life and I have mine.. !

Well, this article in today's TOI - Ahmedabad Times | Page 4.-

Monday, 11 April 2016

Oppss... yeah The Social Network Made my day

So far I have never abused on my blog, but today I feel to abuse and open my heard... What the hell happening to me when I just so concerned when people criticized..

Fucking time is changing and I am not sure whats gonna happen next... I am doing many fucking changes in my life, with profession, with relations, with people, with behavior,..

Oh holy crap.. I have stopped being obsessed with things I used to care unnecessarily... I guess coming few years things are changing like anything for me.. there will drastic changes..

Today, my day got segmented in many different parts may be due to my mood-swings...  

I don't feel to write much today,.. but still wanted to blog something... not matter it that's a shit...

I can't sleep .. the fire is burning like anything...

I wish my wish get fulfilled by the god... Jeezzzzzz...


Sunday, 10 April 2016

A Little True Love Incident by Jenny Chawla | Fiction Short Love Story

A Little True Love Incident :
She : See.. it's hard to love but I love you so much... more than anything....
He : Don't love me.. it will trouble you..
She : But WHY???
He : B'coz we have no future..
She : You're lucky that you know your future.. I am not sure about mine...
He : Well.....
She : No worries stay happy but remember my words - it's hard to love ..but I love you so much...
He : it's all common..
She : smile emoticon take care... just stay happy good bye...
After few months, the boy was into many affairs searching what he was looking in and out... and girl moved on and made herself stable accepting his rejection... went calm..
Suddenly after long then met in a cafe coincidentally, and they met sharing pleasant looks.
He : Omg you are still the u have been?
She : Yeah I am still the boring same... but you look changed... actually smart .. smile emoticon
He : okay.. what you do now?
She : I am living my life smile emoticon
He : Lol, I have my own company...
She : so .... are you happy in your life?
He : Off course I am ... I am rich, famous, stardom life, hot and sexy girls are crazy for me... , have my own house, car...what more I need..
She : Wooah. I just wanted to know that you are happy... Good bye...
The girl quickly left without promising any further connection... but again after few months they met ... the girl was same and never extended any relations any dam time they met & on the other hand the guy was growing his luxurious happiness life and never cared to look at the originality of the girl and thought to keep in touch... these sudden meets happens 8 times within 5 years .... and when they met 9th time .... The girl was still the same - calm ... enjoying her hot coffee in an another cafe... coincidentally they both met again....
He : Stop.... don't say anything....
She : why what happened... (perplexed)
He : You were always the same but always the different...
She : Pardon ... ?
He : I am sorry... You always loved me whenever we met in these 5 years and you just always wanted to know about my happiness.... and I wonder why that's so important for you to know if I am happy or sad.....?
She : So..... are you happy in your life ?
He : Yes ... I am bcoz I am with you! Are you happy in your life ? And my happiness and love is you and to get you back in my life...
She : Yes, today I am the happiest person after years... bcoz finally you are happy with me...
Last line.... She : You know it's hard to love, but I love you so much .... Still.... ( with happy tears)
Moral - True love never dies... no matter what.... if you feel you truly love someone... just love and expect his or her happiness... nothing else.... 

smile emoticon

Let me know your review about this short storie, this is my first story.. look forward to feedbacks.. :)

Friday, 1 April 2016

Lessons of life!

Lessons of life: Don't be that rude to someone that your own life turns rude to you! Don't try to insult someone so much that your own life insults you every single day! Don't frighten someone that much which snatch away their peace and then in some years it will snatch away your peace also! Don't hurt someone that much that your own life hurts you and there remain no scope to heal! Don't be so over confident that your own confidence turns to be punishment to your life! Don't take people's kindness that granted that when those people move on and your own life starts taking you granted and you stay no more kind to thyself! Don't be that ignorant to your own sins and faults that one day those sins and faults kills you! Don't make fun of good and polite people that one day your own time makes fun of you! Don't disrespect any dam person whether they are good or worst, you never know when your life will be good or bad to you! Don't be that self obsessed and treat people so common and like a non-living thing that one day besides you take breath, you will be recognized as a non-living and worthless creature! No one is 'tooph' in this world, only time and good karma wins! Change if you really be unfair to anything or being in your life, good and bad time waits for none. :) #alwaysremember #dsc #iamphilosopher

Sunday, 28 February 2016

How to live happy and maintain good relations with NARCISSIST people?

Yes, I am in love with NARCISSIST person, or you can say a self obsessed person but but but.. he is not a selfish person. So, as I am a philosopher it is my great interest to understand and explore people. You will not believe that how is possible that a 24 years old girl has got this old age people's interest of understand people, yes understanding people is something makes me feel so amazing about them and myself too. By the way, understanding people is an amazing experimental art. 

Well, let me share something about 'NARCISSIST people, actually who are they? Let's see what wikipedia says :

Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
Narcissism is a concept in psychoanalytic theory, which was popularly introduced in Sigmund Freud's essay On Narcissism (1914). TheAmerican Psychiatric Association has had the classification narcissistic personality disorder in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) since 1968, drawing on the historical concept of megalomania.
Narcissism is also considered a social or cultural problem. It is a factor in trait theory used in various self-report inventories of personality[1]such as the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. It is one of the three dark triadic personality traits (the others being psychopathy andMachiavellianism).
Except in the sense of primary narcissism or healthy self-love, narcissism is usually considered a problem in a person's or group's relationships with self and others. Narcissism is not the same as egocentrism.


Okay, so 'badha panga hai' with these kind of people, but nothing is impossible, I am sure you agree!

Today, my guy is really complicated, he even doesn't love to me but winning over life is more important to me. He is narcissist person, but he is a person, so the world ends there. If you expect love from such a person in return, then it will hurt you a lot. No, please love a narcissist person with no expectations in returns. It's actually a risk but risk taking for such people are worth in love, if you truly know the meaning of love. 

Below are some common traits that a narcissistic relationship partner is likely to have:

  • Sense of entitlement or superiority
  • Lack of empathy
  • Manipulative or controlling behavior
  • Strong need for admiration
  • Focus on getting one’s own needs met, often ignoring the needs of others
  • Higher levels of aggression
  • Difficulty taking feedback about their behavior

Let's dig their behavior even deeper:

1. Conversation Hoarder : The narcissist loves to talk about him or herself, and doesn’t give you a chance to take part in a two-way conversation. You struggle to have your views and feelings heard. When you do get a word in, if it’s not in agreement with the narcissist, your comments are likely to be corrected, dismissed, or ignored. But that's fine! You should be happy that your guy or girl is expressive. And you just need to understand and listen them. When you listen to someone, especially to the person you love the most, you actually make them feel special that some one like you are there to listen them and understand. 

2. Conversation Interrupter : While many people have the poor communication habit of interrupting others, the narcissist interrupts and quickly switches the focus back to herself. He shows little genuine interest in you and considers you at easy, but again here you don't need to misjudge that he is taking you granted, you have to understand him and his needs from you and be person whom you can interrupt and be at easy. It's nothing that they don't care, its just they really don't have any idea that what they need to do and how they need to understand others. So, just be calm if they interrupt, ultimate love is to keep your partner happy and at comfort zone.

3. Rule Breaker: They easily changes and manipulates rules, ethics and situations forming a new story and depicts a smart image about themselves, but but but if you love them you just need to focus on understanding them without judging them in negation and accept them the way they are, as it should be the way when you are in love with any narcissist person.

4. Charmer: Narcissists can be very charismatic and persuasive. When they’re interested in you (for their own gratification), they make you feel very special and wanted. However, once they lose interest in you (most likely after they’ve gotten what they want, or became bored), they may drop you without a second thought. A narcissist can be very engaging and sociable, as long as you’re fulfilling what she desires, and giving her all of your attention. But if you are partner is charmer, you don't need to worry much and just put your true efforts. Show them how much love and special they are for you. It really works, though someone never expresses, but woooowwing someone always make that someone feel very happening and special.

In short, it is easy, just be yourself and original to NARCISSIST people, there will be 2 possibilities either they will discard you or make distance from you; will understand and fall in for you or be your friends forever without caring your love for them but definitely needing your love for them to feel super pampered.  

I am putting my all efforts to make my guy feel the most special person on the globe for me with right and positive deeds and expecting nothing in return. And I trust, that there will be day he will feel my value because we are humans and we have heart which is filled with emotions and feelings; its just we don't unleash our emotional powers in correct way. 
3:22 AM, I got to sleep!

Signing OFF! Good Bye, see you soon with again something new. TC.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Never Mind Writing!

Yes, its my personal blog, and right now I feel that living an isolated life is not that bad. When you are meant to love and live alone, you can't even cry or roar out of your choice. It's my choice to be alone. Hence , I am now dependent much on my virtual world.

These days I am so confused as in what kind of personality I am!!!!!

Today, a very dear friend of mine helped me to analysis what I am and asked me to work on my mess, whether it is relationships, work, health or emotions... whatever it is! He asked me to figure out my complexes within myself. Yes, I am envy of some people.. not to destroy them but find them so lucky that they get what they want.

Yes, my nature and thoughts are changing! But I need to clear up the mess, actually I don't know how to deal with people. I know it sounds so weak but I have no clue to deal with it. When you have nothing wrong in your heart for people and they misunderstand you and judge completely wrong.

I am an ENFP Personality, that today I feel for the growth of my own friends but they never understand me. I guess I am wrong to worry about them, Well the most interesting thing happened today is that I got to know I am ENFP.

From today, I decided to write atleast one blog post daily, of what I learned, because as I am single and don't believe in chatting with friends any more after recently break-up of my bestest buddies.. huh..

So, now I am starting blogging back! Stay Tuned for my write ups here! Catch tomorrow. Its time to go home and have some time to organize my next day.

Good Night!

Aayat - Yes, Living with love!

How do you feel, when you know that you are meeting last time in your life with the person who is the most integral part of you?

It is really hard to justify the types of love - I have loved 2 times in my life from the bottom of my heart without caring of world, and I guess its enough to love someone intensely without expecting from them back. When I loved my crocodile, I was mad in love and now I love my baraf I am sensible in love. Today, both of them are not with me, still I love!

Many think this is craziness and useless to fall in love when there is no scope of living with love. It believe love is fitoor. No one can change my feelings and state of love in this world. Today, I am taking my life ahead just with my passions, goals and karma. Yes, karma is my savior. I am not in relationship but I am in love. 

Going out of my world with new changes to live my life better and much better alone! I live alone because I am not a good person to have my friends and people around me. Isolation its what I have with me and that's enough to reach at my goals. 

I will stay here alone with my feelings. 

I am fine with the tags I get and I just want to live peaceful life. 

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Yes, I am thinking Loud

Many times I feel like loving and feeling so pretty being so much called single girl. Life is amazing, as most of the time you ask life so many things and gets frustrated thinking that we are alone... and the think you wanted you need to feel yourself.. but that takes time to understand that what the self love is... :)

Yes, today after long I am talking back to my point... my love for my crocodile, I lied my crocodile that I love someone... but missing crocodile's presence, feel, touch and breath... yes yes it sounds so romantic.. but feelings for love are always lovely.. ohh... I am bhushing... singing for my crocodile...

'It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it
when I see you again When I see you again...'

When we share the feelings honestly in this world to the people we love or really admire a lot... people take us granted or doesn't consider what our soul says through eyes.. very few people dare to look in your heart through your eyes and listen to your soul through your words... but describing your feelings is the best and proud thing you do for yourself... Actually I am not behind anyone but I have learned to be very original and true to myself...

I really doesn't care who read it or not... I love to write rather than talking to anyone about my feelings and what I feel... Yes, Finally I decided to write again for myself.. Really i am coming with the beauty ( may be bored or time waste for many who doesn't are not suitable for my feeds),...

Yes, I am blogger by heart and bloody entrepreneur by profession... I can't kill my passions..

So, here I declare to think so loud through my words and cheers to my spirit of living my life in the way I want to... :)

Yes, feeling so AWESOME... don't believe just why! :P

Stay tuned with me... will writing more and more about my experiences.